These are sample essays for the major question types often tested on the IELTS writing task 2, all written and edited within the stipulated time condition of 40 minutes.

Read up on the strategies on how to structure your essay and IELTS requirements here Get An 8+ On IELTS Writing TASK 2— The Simple IELTS Essay Writing Template – Chigozie Nwokoji

Study the structure and development of the essays; note the use of transitions between ideas for coherence and logicality; pay attention to the variety of word choices as used in the essays as well as the mix of different sentence structures, especially the use of complex sentence structures in ways that do not hamper meaning. Check out the limited grammatical flaws and use of punctuation marks, too.

 Also, there are considerable, logical supporting details to back up each topic sentence, and the writer is consistent with his thesis (personal opinion/main idea/subjective stance) on each of the essay prompts.

Finally, you should study and understand how almost all the essays address the prompts and every part of the questions sufficiently. 



Some people think that parents should teach their children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the best place to learn this.

QUESTION: Discuss both views and give your own opinion

There are different opinions regarding the best channels of education to aid a child’s proper integration into society. While some claim this is the exclusive task of parents since they are the child's closest link to society from birth, others insist that the academic environment should train the child with valuable moral nuggets as ingrained in the school's system and curriculum. Regardless, I would say that kids' parents are their primary guides.

There is no gainsaying that a professional learning set-up with counselors, well-trained teachers, and administrative heads, as we have it now, does not only dispense intellectual knowledge but also socio-cultural ideals. In most academic institutions, we find that an important mantra is to teach the ward discipline, good character, public conduct, and a fuller understanding of the world they live in as many schools are realizing that it takes more than academic excellence to make a student succeed in real life. The ability to solve analytical tasks and communicate effectively in the workspace is one, but being a well-rounded member of society is another.  And the school, no doubt, provides both to the child. There are cases of orphaned children who behave appropriately in public because they got this training from their orphanages where schools are instituted.

In any case, we cannot deny that having parents is such a great privilege. These are people who, more often than not, understand the child way better than any external party does. They have groomed the child from birth, so have gotten familiar with the child's personality and habits. Hence, they are in a better place to correct and redirect the child when he seems to be going awry. Also, the child's home is the freest space for the child to express habits and characteristics he hides or disguises in public. And who notices and can monitor these? The parents.

Generally, even though the school could well execute the job of instilling good moral standpoints in the child through its different administrative platforms, the overarching role of parents to make the child an acceptable member of society because they see and understand the child's temperament way better than any other person cannot be overlooked.


ISSUE: In some countries, younger people are neglecting their right to vote.

QUESTION: What problems does this cause and what are some of the possible solutions?


It is no news that youths in some countries are passing over their rights to choose their leaders. This has some dire consequences not only for the specific youth who refuses to vote but also for the society at large, creating situations where only a small fraction of unexposed, unlearned people select the wrong hands, and in the long run, there is a sense of total detachment from social and political affairs by these young ones. Sensitization programs organized through media platforms and with the assistance of notable personalities could help reduce this outcome.

The youths in most parts of the world constitute a higher percentage of their countries' population. More so, with the aid of technology in making the world a global village, this category of citizens are the most exposed and informed members of society. So, it is apparent that when these do not vote, only a few old and complacent people would, and the status quo of bad governance simply continues. In Nigeria, for instance, youths have been known to not participate in elections in the past, and this has enabled successive reigns of clueless leaders who out of greed further plunge the nation into corruption, depravity, and economic depression despite the abundance of resources in the nation. This is because those who know better and in whose hands the future lies have chosen to sit on the fence allowing the older, passing generation to take the lead.

The relevance of media platforms and celebrities in the recent past is obvious. Youths do not only use the media for entertainment; they also look to these channels for support and inspiration. This can be leveraged for the greater good of electoral participation. A case in point is the most recent presidential election in Nigeria in 2024. We cannot deny that despite the unexpected, unpleasing turnout of the election, the involvement of members of the younger generation was overwhelmingly impressive. For instance, news about a certain candidate Peter Obi was on all platforms possible, financial supports were galvanized from all angles, and even older people were taught and trained about their rights and how not to sell their franchise as used to be the case. These all came about through the persistent re-education and positive reinforcements provided by a good number of Nigerian influencers, passionate podcasters, radio stations, and international media agencies. 

Conclusively, there is always an end to every anomaly. The self-imposed act of political disenfranchisement which has such rippling outcomes as highlighted above can be addressed with the doggedness of people who matter, the press, and journalists through the various communicative channels technology has blessed us with.


ISSUE: These days, children have easy access to home computers, tablet computers, and smartphones, and many spend a large part of their free time using these devices.

QUESTION: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this situation and give your opinion.


In recent times, young ones have used their digital devices quite lavishly, spending a huge chunk of their productive hours on their phones and laptops. This can cause a great deal of distraction to their studies and expose them to corruptive content even though they might provide the children with useful information about the rest of the world and help them enhance marketable skills. So, I believe that computers and smartphones can be utilized to the best advantage without posing a deterrent to intellectual growth.

A child's academic progress can be greatly hampered when he or she spends unchecked hours operating his or her devices. With the popularity of social media spaces, such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook, just to mention a few, a large population of teens chats with friends, watch reels, and view statuses for hours on end instead of researching to add to what they learn at school or delivering brilliant results on their homework. What is more, a lot of depraved content like pornography and violent scenes are published online that are very addictive and traumatic and so can affect a child's social and mental development when viewed unsupervised.

However, phones and tech devices can provide the child with important facts about the world he lives in. For example, some teenagers, with their phones and the availability of data, know by heart the names of various world leaders, tech experts, and innovators as well as the contributions these people are making to better their societies. These are useful sources of inspiration to children. Children are empowered by the hard work, innovations, and growth of these people to learn important skills via learning platforms like YouTube, Couserer, and the like. In time, they become self-employed and contribute to the advancement of their societies. A good number of youths are tech experts themselves, working in fields like data computing, website design, and app creation among others only with their gadgets. As well, they can also communicate quite effectively about a variety of issues about the world and relate with age counterparts outside their geographical spaces.

Therefore, I would say that these tech gadgets could be put to good use especially where it concerns exposing the child from very early on to important knowledge to help him grow up a more rounded individual in society. To even facilitate this, parents and app developers should implement checks and restrictions in their parenting and applications respectively to limit the child's viewing of harmful content and streamline attention to only the most beneficial parts of these devices. Parental control features and site control links are some of the ways to do this.

In summary, while phones and other gadgets can be useful in helping a child gain fuller access to and become a well-informed member of geographical space, staying on the computer for longer than necessary could have the damaging outcome of limiting the child's attention to schoolwork and impeding the child’s healthy mental development. Thus, these devices must only be utilized for good reasons with fervent monitoring from parents and easy-to-apply restrictions from tech giants.


ISSUE: Most high-level positions in companies are filled by men even though the workforce in many developed countries is more than 50 percent female. Companies should be required to allocate a certain percentage of these positions to women.

QUESTION: To what extent do you agree?


It is no news that in many companies, men are often the managers, CEO, and departmental heads despite that women make up a greater percentage of the workforce. So, I strongly agree that women be allotted these key positions since there is evidence to prove that organizations with women leaders thrive just as well, and it adheres to the rule of equity.

As education is becoming more accessible to everyone, women are gaining the right kind of skillset and know-how and are doing exploits in a lot of fields and work sectors these days. Most recently, Okonjo Iweala became the President of the World Trade Organization, a position she contested against a man from China. And the progress the organization has had so far is partly owing to her involvement at its helm of affairs. In the same way, women have been known to spearhead successful educational, construction, and entertainment franchises in developing countries. Some women are even founders of these businesses themselves. For example, I have worked in three vibrant educational companies, and two out of those three had women leaders who control the operations of these companies. These are only a few cases in point. The ability of women to handle the home front, looking after kids and husbands as well as handling private business, has enhanced their people-handling skills, multitasking abilities, and analytical thinking spate, which all come in handy in professional settings.

In addition, it is only appropriate that jobs be given based on who can do the job better regardless of gender, and to create the right gender balance in workplaces, women should be allowed to sit next to men in high-risk, decision-making environments. This does not only give room for nuances in perceptions but also makes the world more just. It is important that a woman can speak and have her views heard and regarded so that we do not create a society of marginalization and disregard for equity. This would in turn encourage younger girls to work towards achieving set goals rather than be complacent and allow their dreams to be cut short by the mere reality that there is a limit to how far they can reach at work despite their honest efforts.

Overall, everyone deserves a chance to reach for the skies regardless of sex. Women should not be denied their rights to give full reins to their skills and talents. Giving them the chance to attain the peak of their careers in professional workspaces, a nation demonstrates equity in job distributions and creates room for advancement in various sectors.

Hopefully, these help you practice and improve your IELTS TASK 2 writing skills.

You should also try to measure the standard of the essays above based on the rubric and criteria provided below.

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