Wondering why you should bother getting some guidance before taking this exam?

 To your mind, you are a graduate of one of the best universities in your country, and is this not only a qualifying test for graduate admission? How hard can the questions possibly be when compared to the courses you had to take during your undergraduate studies?

Hang in there a little…

Let me briefly take you through the basics just so you know what you are getting up against…

The graduate record examination is often a requirement for Master’s application to degrees in the sciences and the humanities. On this test, your Analytical and Critical reasoning skills are tested— skills that you need to excel during graduate studies— and your results are used to complement other pre-requisite documents for graduate admission such as your undergraduate transcripts, Statement of Purpose, and Recommendation Letters. You’re tested on 3 question areas—

  • VERBAL REASONING which includes sentence correction, text completion, and reading comprehension
  • QUANTITATIVE REASONING on core foundational mathematics topics
  • THE ANALYTICAL WRITING where you are now expected to clearly articulate your idea on a given topic within 30 minutes.

GRE- MAIN – Chigozie Nwokoji

You have no idea how much of a boost to your application a good score of 300+ on Verbal and Quantitative and a writing score of 4+/6 can be to your chances of securing admissions into good schools and even a reasonable scholarship to boot.

From experience, it is easy to fall into the temptation of thinking that with a GRE textbook and in the comfort of your bedroom a few weeks before the exam, you can crack these question areas with ease.

While exceptional students, fresh out of college, and in the business of constantly reading, writing, and solving mathematical equations can of course attain this feat, it is important not to shoot yourself in the leg, especially if it has been a year or two since you attained your first degree. 

And here are the often neglected reasons…

The structure of the essays and sentences may be one you are not so used to if you are not already an avid reader of newsletters, documentaries, and magazines published in the New York Times, Gazette, and their likes.

The training affords you the luxury of reading passages from past questions; you are taught to effectively deconstruct these texts in such a way that answering the questions on them becomes easy over time, not to mention that specific question types call for specific reading strategies, all of which a good coaching field gives you. 

It is a time-based exam where comprehension and assimilation should be attained within a limited time.

It is one thing to be able to read, understand texts, and synthesize ideas, but it is another when you have to do same under timed examination conditions. Aside from the fact that familiarity with questions makes you more comfortable, it is priceless to have to study among other graduate studies aspirants under the guidance of a good tutor. Additionally, there are clues and tips to deal with answers within a shorter time than you may spend on your own.

You do not want to waste your Exam registration Payment.

Why register for an exam for which you do not have adequate preparation and risk not getting the desired score to give your application a boost? Do you want to risk writing again? And God forbid that the naira rate continues to skyrocket to the dollar. That’s if you are paying from Nigeria, at least!

It prepares you psychologically for graduate admissions.

So, it’s been a year or two or even three that you have left university and you think you could just breeze into graduate studies in a different socio-cultural landscape like walking into your parlor from a night party? Hello? You need a training set-up, something that requires you to be on your intellectual cap—

Yes, the rigors of academic training— thinking logically and on time, sharing and reviewing ideas, comprehending texts, and handing in assignments—are essential! And a good coaching platform blesses you with that!

Teacher Helping Male Pupil Studying At Desk In Classroom Looking Over Shoulder

Introduces you to core topics that are of global interest from a variety of disciplines.  

Even though the test does not necessarily check for your knowledge of facts in the real world, the structure of a typical training is such that equips you with past analytical writing topics bordering on major issues of general interest— issues that a graduate should feel at ease discussing, which is still immensely useful. On the writing, for one, you are taught the proper development of a good essay, correct sentence structures and grammar, and how to use relevant and coherent examples.

Also while writing essays during your training, you still get to review, thus allowing room for research and discussion between you and your instructor, and, apparently, more knowledge.

And who says that having an excellent writing skill would not come in handy for you during graduate studies?

Don’t slack on yourself, dear.

Get a good training and use it to your best advantage!

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